credit: HubSpot

Federal Programs Related to - Social Innovation

Non-NPC category for MTurk implementation

    Federal Programs Related to - Education, General/Other

    Programs that provide opportunities for people in the community to acquire the knowledge, skills, desirable qualities of behavior and character, wisdom and general competence that will enable them to fully participate in and enjoy the social, political, economic and intellectual life of the community. Home-Based Education; Home Education; Home Schooling

    Federal Programs Related to - Civil Rights, Social Action & Advocacy, General/Other

    Programs that focus on protecting and promoting the broad civil rights and civil liberties of individuals and work to change public policy and opinion in a variety of areas.

    See also: +COMMON CODE Advocacy (**B); Hate Crimes Prevention (I02.07); Housing Discrimination (I05.08); Voter Services (W08.05)

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    Federal Programs Related to - Organizational Development & Training

    Programs that provide technical assistance for nonprofit organizations who need management support in areas like board development, facility administration, fiscal administration, grant writing, personnel administration, program planning, development or evaluation, service delivery, volunteer utilization, or public relations. Community-Based Organizational Support; Community Service Clubs Management; Kiwanis Club Support; Men's Service Clubs Management; Nonprofit Management; Nonprofit Organization Development; Women's Service Clubs Management

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    HootSuite CEO Ryan Holmes says “…social tools are getting more broadly adopted across organizations. It’s not just marketing anymore, it’s sales, public relations, human relations, everywhere.”

    Social Sector Jobs

      Program Director Jobs
      Substance Abuse Jobs
      Social Work Jobs
      Social Services Jobs
      Fundraising & Development Jobs