credit: safehorizon

Federal Programs Related to - Cancer

Programs that support the prevention, treatment and cure of neoplasms, abnormal formations of tissue, such as a tumor or growth, which serve no useful function, but grow at the expense of the healthy organism.

Bladder Cancer; Bone Cancer; Brain Cancer; Brain Neoplasms; Brain Tumors; Burkitt's Lymphoma; Cancer; Kaposi Sarcoma; Liver Cancer; Lung
Cancer; Melanoma; Paget's Disease; Prostate Cancer; Renal Cancer; Sarcoma; Stomach Cancer; Testicular Cancer

Social Entrepreneurship

Incubator Gestates New Social Enterprises

The Good Ideas Incubator Programme will benefit new social enterprises in Scotland, with 10 new project opportunities that will transform good ideas into new social ventures.

Nonprofit Jobs

  Foundation Related Jobs
  Program Director Jobs
  Social Work Jobs
  Program Director Jobs
  Fundraising & Development Jobs