Uganda: Protecting Child Workers During the Pandemic - The country's footwear-manufacturing industry, the world's eighth largest, has also been affected, with exports down by 50 per...more
Savannah was selected to participate in Invest Health, sponsored by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the Reinvestment Fund.There were six guiding principles for Invest Health Cities that we...more
Ronald Harrison: Congress must act amid this national health crisis.The report underscores the urgent importance of additional federal funding for school and summer meal programs.The manual...more
The idea that children and adolescents need to be enclosed within a conventional school classroom in order to learn is a myth.When the Chicago teachers' strike shut down public schools for 11 days...more
The Greater Tacoma Community Foundation, the Tacoma Whole Child Partnership, and Tacoma Public Schools address how school employees who work in a capacity often referred to as support staff can also...more
On an episode of On the Evidence, J.B. Wogan, Senior Manager of Strategic Communications, talk about a demonstration using home-delivered boxes packed with fruit, vegetables, and other shelf-stable...more
The WEF's "Schools of the Future: Defining New Models of Education for the Fourth Industrial Revolution" report was issued in Geneva, Switzerland just before its 2020 annual meeting.TCC's Digital...more
Morgan Stanley Establishes Alliance for Children's Mental HealthAlliance will help drive capital towards scaling effective, evidence-based strategies, impacting the mental health of youth.Developing...more
Maren Petersen-DeGroff, Children's Program coordinator at Parenting Now!, writes how a few hours a week in an intentionally prepared environment with age-based peers can help build the skills that...more
The Larder Cook School in West Lothian is a social enterprise that trains young people for a career in the food business. Recently, the school has launched a crowdfunder to help it teach another 80 students a year.